-Broadcast News (Al Filo de la Noticia)
Compositor tema para noticiero / News Theme Writer
Bette Midler interpreta el cl?ico "Under the Boarwalk" y Marc Shaiman aparece como pianista / Bette Midlers performance of "Under the Boardwalk" with Marc Shaiman as pianist
-Scenes from a Mall (Escenas en una galer?)
Pianista / Pianist
-The Addams Family
Director de orquesta / Conductor
-Hot Shots
Pianista / Pianist
-Hearts and Soulds (Corazones y Almas)
Pianista / Pianist
-South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Pianista / Pianist
-Down with Love (Abajo el Amor)
Pianista / Pianist
-The Wedding Planner (Planes de Boda)
Pianista / Pianist
-Castle Rock Entertainment Logo music
Music composed for this logo.
-Hairspray the Movie
"I Can wait" (nice ballad finally cut from the movie)
-Big Business (Ensalada de Gemelas)
"New York Montage"
-Saving Private Ryan (Salvar al Soldado Ryan)
Trailer con m?ica de El Presidente y Miss Wade / Trailer with music from The American President
-City Slickers 2 (Cowboys de Ciudad 2)
T?ulos principales / Main Titles
-Greg the Bunny
T?ulos principales / Main Titles
-South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
"La Resistance"
-Get Over It
"Dream of Me"
-A Comedian at the Oscars
Marc Shaiman al piano en su número para la ceremonia de los Oscars 2006 / Marc Shaiman plays the piano in his musical number for 2006 Academy Awards Ceremony.
-Fat as I Am
Marc Shaiman interpreta un número en Theather Talk que compuso junto a
Bette Midler y Jerry Blatt / Marc Shaiman performs a number on Theater Talk that he composed with Bette Midler and Jerry Blatt.
-Christmastime in Hell
Variante de un tema suyo para la serie South Park, con letras adaptadas al 2006 y que el propio Shaiman interpret en
Joe?s Pub (NY). / Marc updated the lyrics of a South Park theme for 2006, and performed it himself in Joe?s Pub (NY)
-Interview, ASCAP AWARDS 2007
Declaraciones de varios compositores con motivo de la gala ASCAP 2007 (incluyendo a Marc Shaiman) / Some composers are interviewed at ASCAP Awards Gala (including Marc).(NY)
-Johnny Carson Show
"One for My Baby". Bette y Marc en el ?timo programa del Show de Johnny Carson / Bette and Marc in the last Johnny Carson show
-"Blame Canada"
Oscar Show Performance
-An Evening with Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman
P?ina con fotos y acceso al v?eo "Fifty Checks" / Site with pictures and access to the video "Fifty Checks" ( (c) )
-Tony Awards Interview
V?eo de la entrevista a Marc y Scott / Interview video with Marc and Scott.
-Bette Midler and Marc Shaiman
?ing Beneath my Winds Live!
TV Advertising
"Good Morning Baltimore"
-Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me
Montage Video